Notice of Proposed Change
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Town Council of Grand Falls-Windsor wishes to make a change to the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, 2022-2032. The Town of Grand Falls-Windsor wishes to redesignate and rezone a parcel of land between Toulett Drive (near Queensway) to Ogilvie Street for multi-unit development.
The purpose of these amendments are to redesignate this parcel of land from “Natural Open Space”, “Commercial” and “Public Use” to “Urban Residential” and re-zone from “Conservation”, “Commercial General”, “Public Use” and “Single Unit Urban Residential (RS-3)” to “Residential RM-2 High Density Multi-Unit Residential Zone”.
The Town Council of Grand Falls-Windsor wishes to receive any comments or representation on these proposed changes. Anyone wishing to make a comment, objection, or representation should submit a signed statement outlining their concerns to the Development Department, Town Hall, 5 High Street, P.O. Box 439, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL, A2A 2J8, or email by Noon, February 28, 2025.
For more information about the proposed changes to the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, please contact Planning/GIS Technician, Hilda Bennett, 709-489-0211, Development Department, Town Hall.