Composting Program
The Community Composting Program is located adjacent to the Saturday Drop-Off site on Whitmore Street. The compost pile at Scott Avenue is now closed. Compost is available at this site as well. The Town will try to have a constant supply available but cannot always guarantee availability.
Hours of Operation
8:00am – 8:00pm
7 days/week
from May 6 – October 15
What To Bring
- Leaves
- Grass clippings
- Wood chips
- Fruit and vegetable scraps
- Flowers and house plants
- Coffee and tea grounds
- Egg shells
What NOT To Bring
- Household garbage
- Plastic bags
- Cardboard boxes
- Plastic containers
- Lumber
- *Trees/branches
- Weeds
- Meat, bones and fatty foods
- Human and pet wastes
* These items, along with ashes, concrete, and gravel, have other designated drop-off locations at the Whitmore Street site.
All items dropped off must be taken out of their container/box/bag & put directly onto the pile.
Limit of 2 wheelbarrows of compost to be taken per visit.