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Notice is hereby given that the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor has received an application to construct 4 tiny homes on Hill Street. The tiny homes would each be less than 50 m2.
Tiny Homes are a permitted use in the Single Unit Small Lot Residential Zone (RS-2) of the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor Development Regulations (2022-2032).
This notice is mailed to all persons whose land is in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development that is considered a discretionary use in the use zone, and to allow a minimum of 7 days for response.
Anyone wishing to make an objection or representation on this matter, must do so in writing (petitions will not be accepted) and the objection or representation must be received by the Development Department, Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, 5 High Street, P.O. Box 439, Grand Falls–Windsor, NL, A2A 2J8, or by email to planning@townofgfw.com no later than 12 Noon, July 28, 2023.
Development Department: 709-489-0427