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Notice is hereby given that the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor has received an application for a child care center at 113 Main Street.
This type of business is identified as a discretionary use in the Commercial Downtown Zone (CD) in the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor Development Regulations (2022-2032).
This notice is mailed to all persons whose land is in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development that is considered a discretionary use in the use zone, and to allow a minimum of 7 days for response.
Anyone wishing to make an objection or representation on this matter, must do so in writing (petitions will not be accepted) and mailed to Public Works & Development, Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, 5 High Street, P.O. Box 439, Grand Falls–Windsor, NL, A2A 2J8, or by email to planning@townofgfw.com no later than 12 Noon, Friday, November 10, 2023.
Development Department: 709-489-0427