Councillor Amy Coady

Twitter: @amycoadyGFW
Elected in 2009, re-elected in 2013, 2017, and 2021, Councillor Amy Coady was born and raised in Grand Falls-Windsor.
She is a member of the following Council Committees:
- Chair, Public Works and Development Committee
- Member, Corporate Services Committee
- Member, Committee of the Whole
- President, Municipalities NL
- Council Representative, Joint Council
- Council Representative, Harmsworth Public Library Board
- Council Representative (Alternate), Exploits Regional Chamber of Commerce
Councillor Amy Coady is actively involved in many other community groups and organizations, some of which include: the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Sacramental Preparation program, School Volunteer and Minor Sports Volunteer
Councillor Amy Coady is employed with the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, Grand Falls-Windsor.