Bicycle, Scooter & Skateboard Regulations
Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 414 of the Municipalities Act, 1999, Chapter M-24, the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor has made the following Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard and Similar Objects Regulations.
Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard and Similar Objects Regulations
1. Interpretation: In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) “Act” means the Municipalities Act.
(b) “Council” means the Town Council of Grand Falls-Windsor.
(c) “Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard or Similar Objects” means every device having two (2) tandem wheels or more, propelled by human power.
(d) “Helmet” means a helmet that is designed for bicycle use and is approved by the Canadian Standards Association, the Snell Memorial Foundation or the American National Standards Institute.
(e) “Street” means any street, road, highway, alley, boulevard, bridge, court, footway, lane, park, public drive, sidewalk, square or any other way designed or intended for public use for the passage of vehicles and/or pedestrians and any part of any of them open to public use.
2. No person shall ride on or operate a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, or similar object, on a street unless that person is wearing bicycle helmet that complies with these regulations and the chinstrap of the helmet is securely fastened under the chin.
3. No parent or guardian of a person under the age of twelve shall authorize or knowingly permit that person to ride on or operate a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or similar object, on a street unless that person is wearing bicycle helmet as required by these regulations.
4. Pursuant to Section 420 of the Act, a person who contravenes these regulations commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction for a first offense to a fine of not less than $100.00 and not more than $500.00 or to a term of imprisonment of not more than one month or to both the fine and imprisonment.
Michael Pinsent
Town Manager/Clerk
Approved by Council at Meeting #394 on March 27, 2012.