Notice of Registration
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TAKE NOTICE that the TOWN OF GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR Municipal Plan Amendment No. 3, 2023 and Development Regulations Amendment No. 4, 2023 adopted on the 14th day of November 2023 and approved on the 23rd day of January 2023 have been registered by the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs.
Please note: the original public notification, pursuant to Section 14 of the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000, quoted the amendment as Municipal Plan Amendment No. 2, 2023 and Development Regulations Amendment No. 3, 2023.
In general terms, the purpose of these amendments is to re-designate an area of land from “Commercial” to “Urban Residential” on the Future Generalized Land Use Map of the Municipal Plan; and rezone from “Commercial Downtown” to “Low and Medium Density Multi-Unit Residential Zone” on the Land Use Zoning Map of the Development Regulations for apartment buildings at 166 and 168 Main Street.
THAT the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor Municipal Plan Amendment No. 3, 2023 and Development Regulations Amendment No.4, 2023 come into effect on the day that this notice is published in The Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette. Anyone who wishes to inspect a copy of these documents may do so at the Town Office during normal working hours.
Deputy Town Clerk