Notice of Proposed Changes
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Town Council of Grand Falls‐Windsor wishes to make a change to the Town of Grand Falls‐Windsor Municipal Plan and Development Regulation to enable much needed options to address the housing needs of a wide range of residents, from students and young families to seniors, as the growing Town of Grand Falls‐Windsor attracts students entering post‐secondary education, offers new employment opportunities, and wishes to address the housing needs of seniors wishing to downsize but remain in the community.
The proposed amendment seeks to change the text of the 2022‐2032 Integrated Community Sustainability Municipal Plan and Development Regulations in order to: provide a definition for Plex housing; allow Plex housing as a discretionary use and Two Unit Residential (duplex) housing as a permitted use in the residential zones: Rural Residential (RR‐1), Single Unit Compact Residential Zone (RS‐1), Single Unit Small Lot Residential Zone (RS‐2), Single Unit Urban Residential Zone (RS‐3), Single Unit Mixed Lot Residential Zone (RS‐4) and in the Two Unit Ruban Residential Zone (RT); and to allow Plex housing as a permitted use in the Residential RM‐1 (RM‐1) Low And Medium Density Multi‐Unit Residential Zone, Residential RM‐2 (RM‐2) High Density Multi‐Unit Residential Zone. It will set out development standards for Plex housing and Two Unit Residential housing for each zone where these uses are allowed as well as the standards for infill development on confined lots; and Subsidiary Apartments will be allowed as an accessory use in Single Family Dwellings in all zones with a maximum of two subsidiary apartments in a Single Family Dwelling. In the Residential Rural zone, the restriction ‘beauty parlour only’ will be removed and general home business regulations will apply. It is proposed that in the Single Unit Compact Residential zone the minimum lot size and frontage will be reduced.
The Town Council of Grand Falls‐Windsor wishes to receive any comments or representation on these proposed changes. Anyone wishing to make a comment, objection, or representation should submit a signed statement outlining their concerns to the Development Department, Town Hall, 5 High Street, P.O. Box 439, Grand Falls‐Windsor, NL, A2A 2J8, or email by Noon, July 15, 2024.
For more information about the proposed changes to the Town of Grand Falls‐Windsor Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, please contact Planning/GIS Technician, Hilda Bennett, 709‐489‐0211, Development Department, Town Hall.